Home Lifestyle Entertainment London Rose to host fundraiser in aid of disabled festival

London Rose to host fundraiser in aid of disabled festival

Glenna receives the sash from 2023 London Rose Amy Gillen.

By David Hennessy

The Rose of London Glenna Mannion will host a special charity bingo night presented by the acclaimed comedian, SuperGirly this weekend at the Claddagh Ring.

SuperGirly is known for her pop parodies and has performed on stages from the Edinburgh Fringe and London’s West End.

The event aims to support the work of Action for Children’s FestivAll—a music festival designed to be fully inclusive and accessible for children with disabilities.

Glenna Mannion, who works as a deputy manager of a residential home for children with autism, is a dedicated advocate for young people with disabilities.

Rose of London Glenna Mannion told The Irish World: “I’m hosting a fundraiser in the Claddagh Ring and the proceeds are going towards Action for Children.

“It’s actually the company, the charity that I work for and we’re fundraising to host a festival for young people with disabilities to make them feel more included in society.

“We have everything from mats for the wheelchairs so that wheelchairs can go on the grass and tents with sensory lights and all different kinds of music acts. It’s going to be like a proper festival for them so we need as much money as we can to be honest.

“This is the second year that it is going to be running. It was on last year as well and it was a huge success so they wanted to do it again this year.

“It’s in September in Rickmansworth.”

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Glenna with fellow Rose finalists Cait McCarthy and Sarah Douglas.

Glenna added: “Our goal is to create an unforgettable evening that not only entertains but also supports a cause close to my heart.

“FestivAll ensures that music and joy are accessible to all children, regardless of their abilities, providing features like accessible toilets, hoisting facilities, and wheelchair-friendly flooring.”

The London Rose Centre is currently seeking a sponsor for the evening’s entertainment, provided by SuperGirly who has entertained icons such as Elton John, Madonna, and The Spice Girls.

In addition to seeking a sponsor, the event organisers are looking for donations of raffle prizes. All contributions will be gratefully acknowledged, and donors will be highlighted during the event as key supporters of the community initiative.

Glenna with 2023 London Rose Amy Gillen and fellow finalists Cait McCarthy, Hannah McCrory and Kerry McNulty.

The Irish World was there when Glenna was crowned Rose of London at the Clayton Hotel in Chiswick in May and she told us she was still in shock.

She told us last week: “It’s just about sunk in now.

“Since I’ve been getting all the emails from Tralee, and kind of in WhatsApp groups with all the rest of the girls

“I actually went home for two events, I went home for Roscommon Races and I also went home for the Roscommon Selection Night so I got to meet some of those Roses there as well.

“It was really good.”

Asked what she is looking forward to about Tralee Glenna says: “Definitely the festival, meeting all the rest of the roses and escorts and their families as well.

“I just think there’ll be a great buzz about the place and loads of positive energy. I think that will be great to experience all that.”

Glenna has been supported by her family through the whole journey.

“Literally the phone has been red hot from people calling and texting and sending cards and messages, even the local priest came to the house to say congratulations.

“It’s been absolutely massive for them and I’m delighted that they’re enjoying this experience with me as well.

“I was delighted that I went for it.”

Glenna says she was back in Roscommon to see the new Roscommon Rose get crowned back in June. She took part in the Roscommon selection herself when she was younger.

“Back then I was only 18 so I didn’t really have much life experience under me.

“I made so many good friends, friends I’m still friends with now and it was such a great experience then I was like, “It’s something that I would definitely like to do when I’m a bit older, had a bit more life experience’, so when I saw the opportunity to go for the London Rose I said, ‘Why not? Maybe it might be my year’.

“And it was.”

The Rose of Bingo will be Glenna’s first public engagement in London since she was selected back in May.

“There’s such a big Irish community in London and I even noticed it when I was over and back to Ireland on the plane.

“You get sitting beside someone and they’re asking what you’re doing and when you tell them you’re the London Rose, they’re kind of in shock.

“They’re all very supportive.

“I’ve been speaking to the previous London Roses as well and they’re all such lovely girls, so big boots to fill but we all get on so well.

“I feel like I’ve made friends for life there as well so it’s brilliant.

“It’s such a lovely community so I’m very lucky to be part of that.”

The London Rose fundraiser, The Rose of Bingo in aid of Action for Children’s Festivall and featuring SuperGirly, takes place at the Claddagh Ring on Saturday 27 July from 8pm.

If you wish to sponsor or otherwise support, contact [email protected].

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