Home Advertising


Here we can set out the relevant information about advertising – both online and in the print edition.

Prices of advertising, dimensions of ads etc.

As with the privacy policy, no need to reinvent the wheel so we should search out a similar page we think works
and base ours on that, amending where necessary.

templates of ad sizes should be here to be downloaded as pdf files along with a rate card if feasible.




Maybe an about us page – not totally convinced it’s needed. After this long, people either know we’re a newspaper or they don’t…



As with a news app, it is possible to send push notifications to people to let them know we have updated the website or put up a new article. this is a way of getting people to visit and may encourage them to stay a while once they come back.

To receive the notifications they have to register – name, email address, etc.

Might need to offer an incentive to register for a while to build numbers