Cambridge University is holding seminars on the future of Ireland.
The event(s) are organised by Professor Eugenio Biagini and research fellow Dr Barry Colfer, originally from Waterford.
Two events to date have featured future Fianna Fáil leadership hopeful Jim O’Callaghan and Fine Gael backbencher Neale Richmond.
Both politicians outlined the path to a united Ireland – as they saw it – and both were covered extensively on these pages.
This week (Wednesday 12 May at 12pm) former Irish EU Affairs minister Lucinda Creighton will discuss Ireland in the EU post-Brexit with Baroness Julie Smith (Fellow in politics at Robinson College, Cambridge).
Registration for the event is available at this link.
Anyone seeking to ask questions can email them to Dr Colfer at bc348@cam.ac.uk.
After Lucinda Creighton the next event in the is on 1 June at 6pm when Naomi Long MLA will talk about The Future of Northern Ireland.
Registration for this event is via this link.
On 13 July at 6pm Ian Marshall, the Unionist former Irish senator, farmer and politician, from Markethill in Armagh, will talk about Building Bridges and Uniting people. (Details to follow)
Eileen Weir from the Shankill Women’s Centre will also take part at a future date.
Other speakers later in the year will include Claire Hanna MP, former Deputy PM to Prime Minister Theresa May David Lidington, former Taoiseach Bertie Ahern, would-be DUP leader Jeffrey Donaldson, and contributors from the US.
A recording of FF TD Jim O’Callaghan’s suggestions for a United Ireland (The Political, Economic and Legal Consequences of a United Ireland) can be viewed here.
A recording of FG TD Neale Richmond’s address (Towards A New Ireland) can be seen here.